Malia Tour & Travel

Social Actions

Malia Tours is based in Palu, Central Sulawesi of Indonesia where recently a devastating tsunami, earthquakes and liquefaction struck the area and took more than 2000 lives and destroyed countless homes and infrastructures. Nurlin Djuni,  the owner of Malia Tours, together with his team being the victims of the disaster had decided to get his team in Malia Tours to take part in helping the locals to recover through Malia Tours Disaster Relief Force (MTDRF). With a great help and donations from Rich Fuller, Dana Gardner  and many of Malia Tours guests and friends, MTDRF has been able to do some works helping the local communities focusing on children which can be seen from the picture galleries below. Unfortunately not all of our MTDRF activities were recorded.

MTDRF works are far from finished and so much more that need to be done. If you are willing to help us with anything, please do not hesitate to contact us.


English Camp & Wildlife Colouring for Children

for full album please click here

Trauma Healing Study Tour with the children

For full album please click here

We distributed logistic food, tents, mats, bible (Alqur’an), and We did a trauma healing to the people at refugee-camps with DZIKIR & DAKWAH.

For full album, please click here